Eco Futures - Welcome to the New Generation of Planet Restoration: Join the Evolution
Michelle MichelsA podcast/radio program from Australia about the environment, conservation, climate change and living sustainability in an earth of ever diminishing resources and more waste. The program is based in Byron Bay though the issues we cover affect all people and planet Earth. Your host Michelle Michels has updates, interviews and stories about climate change, conservation, indigenous perspectives on land management, ecology, energy and sustainability topics. Local, national and international topics are discussed. Local communities, academics, activists and anyone concerned about the environment speak about their concerns and projects.
Included is the project on Modern Slavery legislation in Australia, kindly funded by the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Written and produced by Michelle Michels in collaboration with Jodee Sydney (aired on Bay FM 'Eco Futures' from June 2020 - March 2021).
Weekly program broadcast on www.bayfm.org 11 am -12 pm Wednesdays available online https://www.bayfm.org//shows/eco-futures/