Tanya, Chumash, Hayom Yom, Rambam,Shulchan Aruch & A Moshiach Thought
Rabbi Areyh Lang and Rabbi "Yoey" MuchnikDaily Lessons in Tanya, (Chabad’s life manual) , Chumash (five books of Moses,) "Hayom Yom," (the Rebbes daily sayings,) Sefer Hamitzvot (Maimonides count of the 613 Mitzvot), Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, (Condensed Code of Jewish Law) & themes relating to Moshiach- from the teachings of our SagesVisit our website at chabadcamarillo.com for more info.
- Número de episodios: 399
- Último episodio: 2023-01-14
- Religión y espiritualidad Judaísmo